This Sunday • “Jesus Is Our Light and Sight” • John 9; Isaiah 42:14-21; Ephesians 5:8-14 • Week 4 of our “This Is Jesus” Sermon Series. Some have described the Season of Lent as a journey, going with Jesus as He makes His way to Jerusalem, to the cross, to the grave, and then at Easter, to the empty tomb. As we journey with Jesus through the Scripture, we get to see what He is like, who He is, what He does. We also get to consider what this all means for us in our context, and by insights and understanding given by the Holy Spirit, applying these things to our lives. Our Scripture focus will be the Gospel lessons appointed for each Sunday.
March 26 “Jesus Is our Grave Robber” – John 11:1-45; Ezekiel 37:1-14; Romans 8:1-11
April 2 “Jesus Is the Salvation Bringer” – John 12:12-19; Psalm 118:19-29; Isaiah 50:4-9a; Philippians 2:5-11
NEW! To view or print Sunday’s 9am Worship bulletin:
Bible Classes
Adult Sunday Morning Bible Class at 10:00 am • The class is led by Jim Essig. We are looking at the Gospel of Luke. Classes are in the Music Room during our 10:00 am Education Hour, between the 9 am & 11 am worship services.
SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR AGE 4 – GRADE 5: Foundations of Faith • Kids will make crafts, play games, and learn the basic truths about God using both Old Testament and New Testament stories. Kids will walk away from each class with a new “God is…” statement (i.e. “God is powerful” or “God is kind”) and what it means that we are God’s people. Sunday School meets upstairs in the Family Life Center classrooms from 10:00-10:45 on Sunday mornings.
“Kid Video” every week: Did you know that DCE Eric Gerken produces a weekly kid video that ties into the Foundations of Faith lesson? Great for kids, families, and adults. The video is posted weekly to our Facebook and YouTube channels. (Tip: start a faith-conversation with your kids or grandkids using that video as a starting place.)
YOUTH SUNDAY BIBLE CLASS (6th-12th) • “Word One Bible Studies” – a mixture of discussion and experiential learning – come check it out – in the far, upstairs classroom in the Family Life Center from 10:00am-10:45am.
Mid-week Bible Class for Adults • Wednesday Mornings 9:30am – 10:30am in the Board Room. Our topic is looking at Scriptures for the upcoming Sunday’s theme. Led by Pastor Ken.
David Ludwig, Jr., accepts offer to be Director of Worship and Music at PoP/PdeP • We are excited to announce that David Ludwig, Jr., has accepted the invitation to serve as Director of Worship and Music here at Prince of Peace/Príncipe de Paz. We rejoice that Lord of the church is sending David here to use the gifts God has given him to draw people into the presence of the Lord in worship. Please continue to keep David and his wife, Janet, in your prayers during this time of transition, as well Redeemer Lutheran in Winter Park where David currently serves.
Midweek Lenten Worship – Wednesdays at 11:00 am – Light lunch to follow • Series: “40 Days” • This week: Moses Fasts with God (Exodus 34:28–29; Psalm 5:3; 119:32–40). Each Wednesday we explore significant time periods marked by the number forty in the Bible. As we look at what God did with and for His people during those times, we will see how God moves in and through His people during times He has set aside for drawing us near to Him. Thank you to Kathy McCartin and the ladies of the LWML who have helped make the lunch gatherings possible following worship.
Devotional resources: and devotions produced by leaders in the Florida Georgia District can be found at
Lunch & Zilch – SAVE THE DATE: March 29 at 12:00pm • Jim Essig is hosting another lunch & zilch on Wednesday, March 29th at 12:00pm, right after the Lenten service and lunch. Please RSVP to Jim by text or email on Monday, March 27th. Winners will get a prize! | Cell: (407)446-7147 |
TODAY – Last Day to Order PoP Polos! – LWML Fundraiser for Missions • Order between and after services. If you haven’t already placed an order, now is the time! Contact Debbie Noss for more information. | (407) 658-8908.
Baby Bottles Due Today! – Redeeming Life Outreach Ministry • Today is the ingathering for the baby bottle campaign that supports Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries ( Please return your bottle to one of the boxes in the Lobby or Family Life Center, or drop off in the church office at your earliest convenience.
Altar Flowers • To sponsor Altar Flowers in celebration of a special occasion, in memory of a loved one, or simply out of thanksgiving to God, you can do so at or by contacting the office.
Easter Lilies: Your above-and-beyond gift to support Easter lilies helps beautify our worship spaces at Easter. Please fill out the online form with payment or contact the church office. |
Community Easter Egg Hunt: Volunteers & Donations Needed! • Our Annual Easter Egg hunt is Saturday; April 1st and we are looking for donations and volunteers. We are dependent on volunteers to help work the event and to help supply the event. Your donation of time, money or candy helps make the events successful. Please prayerfully consider helping. You can fill out the volunteer form online |
LWML – Greater Orlando Spring Rally – Saturday, April 15 at 7:30am • The women of PoP welcome all ladies from the churches in the Greater Orlando Zone and all guest to the LWML Spring Rally for a day of fellowship, Bible study and songs. Registration is $10 and will begin at 8am-8:45am the day of with coffee, juice, and pastries. Make checks available to Greater Orlando Zone LWML. RSVP to Kathy McCartin. | (407)286-7288
PoP Preschool • Do you know someone who might be looking for an amazing preschool for their child? While our infant and 1y/o classes are full, we still have limited openings for 2y/o through VPK. Call (407) 275-6703 to learn more!
Fruits of Faith
March 12
9:00 Traditional: 106 | 11:00 Contemporary: 55 | 11:00 Spanish: 70 | TOTAL: 231
Midweek Lenten Worship March 15: 40
Giving: Thank you for your faithful engagement in our ministry through your gifts and offerings.
February 26 offerings $10,831
March 5 offerings $11,883
March 12 offerings $7,132
needed each week: $11,923
Hospice Care: Karin Collins (friend of Nina Cavalli-Rojas)
Recovering: Chris Akerman, Merle Kroeplin, Leidy Martinez, Pam Robertson
Healing and Strength: Karen Adkins, Dave & Mary Ann Ault, Rebecca Brooks, Delores B, Michael B, Donna C, Danny Conlin, Alice Darling, Elizabeth Dawson, Eleanor Eaton, Gail Eaton, baby Elijah, John Elmore, Carol Fennell, Judy & Jim Finnie, Rev. Dennis Glander, Noah Glasberger & family, Michael Halstead, Joe Heinz, Bill Jordan, Jerry Jordan, Jim Lord, Michael McCarty, George Meder, Lewis Mendez, baby Eli Muchama, Rick Perre, Miriam Rivera, Nitza Rohena, Rex Serio, Cindy Sibley, Shirley Stockett, Meridith Swanson (wrist, back), Gwen Taliver, Sonia Tellez, Cricket Winters, Leon W, Linda Zamsky
Receiving Treatments: Barbara Browne, Sarah vB, Kent Jespersen, Dorothy R, Rev. Brian Roberts, Elena Santana, Marleen Schmidt, Cathy Smith, Jeff S, Joni S, Janet V, Debbie W, Dayton Whites, Brenda Williams
Continued Care: Chuck Boogher, Kelly DeFrietas, Al & Linda Dicks, Bob and Colleen E, Linda House, Minnie Hutchinson, Linda Jackson, Joan & Otto K, Mary K.M, Joyce Miller, Todd O, Annette Royal, Betty Schnell, Caitlyn Thoms, Juan Torres, Michael, Noel, & Roger V, Harry Wahl
Special: Lord Jesus, you welcome all and transform lives. Transform us through the work of Your Spirit and help us to love as freely as you do. • We ask the Lord to bless our outreach, especially approaching Easter: our Food Pantry; connecting with families and telling the Easter message through our Easter Egg Hunt; and personal invitations people will be extending to friends and family to worship at Holy Week and Easter. • Jesus, bring peace and hope to our world through the power of Your resurrection. • We ask the Lord to be with President Biden, members of Congress, and the Supreme Court, as well as all state and local leaders. • We pray for those who serve our nation in the armed services. We also ask the Lord to watch over and keep our first responders safe.
Preschool Prayers—Class of the Month: This month we pray for our friends in the Butterfly Class (1 year old) – Ms. Norma, Amelia, Erick, Julian, Marlen, Remi. We ask the Lord to keep these little ones in His constant care and to pour out His blessings upon their families.
Holy Week & Easter Schedule
Community Easter Egg Hunt – Saturday, April 1 at 9am – 12pm • Spread the word and join us for our annual easter egg hunt here at PoP/PdeP. There will be traditional Egg Hunts for kids starting every 15 minutes, craft and carnival game station with prizes, raffles for gift cards, Kona Ice Truck, lots of candy and more!
Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, April 2 – English: 9am & 11am | Español: 11am • Celebrating the Triumphal Entry and marking the beginning of Holy Week, Palm Sunday services have deep and rich theological significance for our faith.
Maundy Thursday, April 6 – English: 6pm | Español: 7:30pm • A special service focusing on the institution and meaning of the Lord’s Supper, especially in relation to our Lords Passion.
Good Friday, April 7 – English: 11am & 6pm | Español: 7:30pm • Good Friday focuses especially on the suffering and death of our lord Jesus Christ. This year’s Tenebrae (service of darkness) will reflect on the last seven words of Christ from the cross.
Easter Sunday, April 9 – He is Risen!
6:30am Easter SONrise in the Memorial Garden/Courtyard
9:00am Traditional Festival Worship | Sanctuary
11:00am Contemporary Worship | FLC
11:00am Pascua de Resurreccion | Templo
Holy Communion will be offered at all our Easter worship services.
News Extra—Around Campus – Facility Upgrades and Renovations
Old Library (off of Kitchen) – new flooring; removal of stored items/clutter and dated bookshelves | purpose: to create an attractive, functional workspace and meeting area, giving a fresh look to an area preschool families and church members walk past 7 days a week | Cost: $2,100, funding source: Significant Gift of Mission and Ministry ($383,000 of the $1M “M&M Gift” was set aside for Renovation, Aesthetics, Improvements, and Safety)
Preschool “Baby Room” (Old Preschool Office) – new flooring and cabinets | purpose: safe, clean, and special place for our “littles”; eliminate source of insect pests (old cabinet) | Cost: $3,100, funding source: American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021, grant distributed through state of Florida
New Monument for Memorial Garden – Lack of space for new name plates has necessitated purchase of an additional granite monument for the Prince of Peace/Príncipe de Paz Memorial Garden. The monument has been ordered and will be installed after Easter. Funding for the new monument will come from a mix of special donations (thank you to those who have given leading gifts!) and existing funds in the Bastien Memorial Account. Cost: just under $11,000. Would you like to contribute a gift above and beyond your regular offerings to the new monument? Please contact Chief of Staff/Bookkeeper Pam Fuller in the church office to learn more (
Campus Cleaning and Work Party – Help get the Lord’s house ready for our Resurrection celebrations at Easter! We have tentatively planned a “beautification day” for the Saturday of Holy Week, April 8. Please express your interest by email Pam Fuller or contacting the church office.