Contemporary Worship 1/1

Event Details

Regular Sunday worship schedule on Jan. 1, 2023
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Blessed New Year! Sunday Scriptures: Isaiah 63:7-14, Galatians 4:4-7, Matthew 2:13-23 • Our Sunday morning worship this week serves as a bridge between Christmas and the New Year—in many ways we’ll be celebrating both, with hymns and songs that continue to say, “Merry Christmas!” and others that align with our thoughts and hearts as we look ahead to what 2023 will bring. The good news is that Christ, the baby boy in Bethlehem, is also the Lord over the New Year. His entering into time signifies that God’s activity and His love are never-ending. We have opened the good gifts He has given through His Son—we are children of God, filled with the Spirit of Christ, and heirs of the kingdom. We have received through Jesus what we need for this new year, and our time is in His hands.

