Vacation Bible School
June 6-10, 9:00am – 12:15pm daily – MONUMENTAL: Celebrating God’s Greatness
VBS is a free program offered one week each summer for families of our Preschool, our neighborhood, and our church. It is a great way to connect children with the love and teaching of Jesus.
Kids will learn about our “Awesome God” as we trek through the natural wonders of the American southwest! We are so anxious to start teaching the kids the songs and actions, play some fun games, unpack the story of Jospeh from the Bible in creative ways, performs some amazing science experiments, sample some tasty snacks and more. It is going to be a HUGE week!
VBS will be June 6-10 from 9:00am – 12:15 daily. We have 2 “tracks”—one for Preschool/VPK kids (children must be potty trained) and an Elementary track for kids who have finished Kindergarten–5th grade. As always, VBS is a free program for our church, Preschool and neighborhood. Register now so we can make sure we have enough supplies. To sign up your child or grandchild, simply follow this link: