Week of April 9, 2023

Today in Worship “Christ Is Risen…and We Are Unafraid” • Matthew 28:1-10; Colossians 3:1-4; Jeremiah 31:1-6 • As we worship the Risen One this morning, we are reminded that Easter is much more than just a story of how Jesus, once dead, lives again. It is God’s victory narrative: Not only did Jesus overcome temptations in this life, He conquered sin at the cross. At the open tomb it is apparent that sin’s dear colleague, death, holds no power of Jesus. Death has been vanquished, and Jesus is alive forevermore. Victory is His to share with all who will come along Him. As we walk with our Risen Lord, His words ring with power in our ears: “Do not be afraid; go and tell.” Today—and every day with Jesus—it doesn’t matter what is going on in your life. Jesus is greater, and we share in His victory. Allow Him to align your life with His will, and you will never need to be afraid.

NEW! To view or print Sunday’s 9am Worship bulletin: https://poporlando.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/2023_04_09-Easter-Trad.pdf

On this Easter Sunday, we want to thank all those who made our worship of the Risen Lord (and this past Holy Week!) so special: Our choirs, musicians, a/v technicians, and worship team; our volunteers who helped welcome, had a role in worship, arranged flowers (Debbie Noss, thank you) and set up for worship; planned or participated in our Community Easter Egg Hunt; and in many, many more ways honored God through supporting others in our worship and praise of Jesus, our Lord who lives forevermore.

New to Prince of Peace? Please fill out a blue “Welcome” card or visit https://poporlando.com/connect/.
9:00am Traditional Worship | Sanctuary
11:00am Contemporary Worship | FLC
11:00am Culto español | Templo

Holy Communion is offered at all Sunday Services.

Easter Lilies 2023 • Thank you to all those who helped beautify our worship of Our Risen Lord.
May He bring comfort, peace, and life to all.
Pat Bak – In memory of her brother
Stephanie Carbonell – In memory of Stephen and Eleanor Haydamach
Frank & Shar Dluhy – In memory of Arnie O’ Reilly
Pastor Ken & Peg Green – In memory of our moms, Joanne Green & Elke Heinz.
Joseph Heinz – In memory of wife Elke Heinz
Ken & Judy Holzscheiter – In Celebration of Easter Sunday
David & Linda House – In memory of loved ones
John & Linda I’Anson – In memory of mom Ruth Potier
Kathy McCartin – In memory of husband Ron McCartin and parents, Ray and Ethel Schloemer
Don & Karen Melick – In memory of their parents
Jerry Lemcke – In memory of wife Carlene Lemcke
Jim & Cherie Nocks – In celebration of the risen Christ
Gerry & Debbie Noss – In Celebration of our Risen Lord
Jeff & Pam Robertson – In memory of Carl & Betsy Tange and Doug & Loretta Malesev
Ron & Marleen Schmidt – In celebration of God’s blessings
Pete Spudich – In memory of parents
Vicky Stork – In memory of Gloria White, John and Joyce White and Lucille Dorman
Gwen Taliver – In memory of Viola Baker and SGT. Gene Hawkins
Sonia Tellez – In memory of loved ones
Zaida Torrez -In memory of Bud & Celeste Youtz, Vicenta Rivera, and Hector R. Vázquez

Church/Preschool Offices Will Be Closed for Easter Monday, April 10.

There will be no Bible classes or Sunday school on Easter Sunday We will resume our regular schedule next week. The Mid-week Bible Class for Adults will meet this week • Wednesday Mornings 9:30am – 10:30am in the Board Room. Our topic is looking at Scriptures for the upcoming Sunday’s theme. Led by Pastor Ken.

Stellar VBS 2023 Registration is Now OPEN!VBS will blast off on June 12-16 from 9:00am – 12:15pm daily for kids Age 4- Grade 5. Launch kids on a cosmic quest where they’ll have a blast shining Jesus’ light to the world. Stellar rockets kids on an out-of-this-world adventure that’s light years of faith-building fun. Contact DCE Eric Gerken for more information. | https://vbspro.events/p/events/0ae9c2 | eric.gerken@poporlando.com

Altar Flowers To sponsor Altar Flowers in celebration of a special occasion, in memory of a loved one, or simply out of thanksgiving to God, you can do so at https://poporlando.breezechms.com/form/flowers or by contacting the office.

David Ludwig, Jr., to be Director of Worship and Music at PoP/PdeP • David’s first Sunday here will be, April 23. We continue to keep David and his wife, Janet, in our prayers during this time of transition, as well praying for Redeemer Lutheran in Winter Park where David is concluding 14 years of ministry.

LWML Spring Rally – Saturday, April 15 at 7:30am The women of PoP welcome all ladies from the churches in the Greater Orlando Zone and all guest to the LWML Spring Rally for a day of fellowship, Bible study and songs. Registration is $10 and will begin at 8am-8:45am the day of with coffee, juice, and pastries. Make checks available to Greater Orlando Zone LWML. RSVP to Kathy McCartin. kathymccartin@gmail.com | (407)286-7288

PoP Preschool Do you know someone who might be looking for an amazing preschool for their child? While our infant and 1y/o classes are full, we still have limited openings for 2y/o through VPK. Call (407) 275-6703 to learn more!

Fruits of Faith
April 2 | Palm Sunday
9:00 Traditional: 141 | 11:00 Contemporary: 61 | 11:00 Spanish: 120 | TOTAL: 322
Giving: Thank you for your faithful engagement in our ministry through your gifts and offerings.
March 19 offerings $11,183
March 26 offerings $11,313
April 2 offerings $18,752
needed each week: $11,923.

Recovering: Chris Akerman, Jennifer Montalvo, Rose O’Neil, Pam Robertson, Annette Royal
Healing and Strength: Karen Adkins, Dave & Mary Ann Ault, Rebecca Brooks, Delores B, Michael B, Donna C, Danny Conlin, Alice Darling, Elizabeth Dawson, Eleanor Eaton, Gail Eaton, baby Elijah (thanksgiving), John Elmore, Judy Finnie (praise), Rev. Dennis Glander, Noah Glasberger & family, Michael Halstead, Joe Heinz, Bill Jordan, Jerry Jordan, Merle Kroeplin, Joan Krumpholc, Jim Lord, Michael McCarty, George Meder, Lewis Mendez, baby Eli Muchama, Rick Perre, Dorothy Reynolds, Miriam Rivera, Nitza Rohena, Rex Serio, Cindy Sibley, Shirley Stockett, Meridith Swanson (wrist, back), Gwen Taliver, Sonia Tellez, Cricket Winters, Leon W, Linda Zamsky
Receiving Treatments: Barbara Browne, Sarah vB, Kent Jespersen, Elena Santana, Marleen Schmidt, Cathy Smith, Jeff S, Joni Steidly, Janet V, Debbie W, Nikki Wernsing, Dayton Whites, Brenda Williams
Continued Care: Chuck Boogher, Kelly DeFrietas, Al & Linda Dicks, Bob and Colleen E, Linda House, Minnie Hutchinson, Linda Jackson, Otto Krumpholc, Mary K.M, Sal LoBue, Joyce Miller, Todd O, Betty Schnell, Caitlyn Thoms, Juan Torres, Michael, Noel, & Roger V, Harry Wahl

Special: Lord Jesus, You are the Risen One. You conquered sin and the power of the evil one—not even death has any hold on You. Grant that we would always live in Your victory. Let the power of Your words wash over us: “Do not be afraid. Go. Tell. • Jesus, bring peace and hope to our world through the power of Your resurrection. Especially be with Christians who are persecuted because of their trust in You. • We ask the Lord to be with President Biden, members of Congress, and the Supreme Court, as well as all state and local leaders. • We pray for those who serve our nation in the armed services. We also ask the Lord to watch over and keep our first responders safe.

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