Today: My Neighbor, the Foreigner • Matthew 15:21-28; 1 Kings 8:17-43; 1 Peter 1:17-25 • How do you and I receive the person that is not like us? The tendency in human behavior seems to reflect “birds of a feather” more readily than it tends to exhibit diversity. Jesus was approached by a Canaanite woman seeking relief for her daughter; the conversation makes clear that He is being approached by a foreigner, an outsider. Although the woman’s faith is evident, it is puzzling that Jesus does not immediately grant her request. Ultimately, what is Jesus teaching us today about who is welcome in God’s family and who rightfully has a seat at the table of the Master?
Summer “Back to Basics” Sermon Series: “Who Is My Neighbor?” • It is one of the most fundamental tenets of the Christian faith. God has commanded us to love—first and foremost, to love Him above all things, and then to love our neighbor as ourselves. It all sounds so simple, but it isn’t always easy. The question we ask ourselves this summer as we go back to basics is, “Who is our neighbor?” And what does love for our neighbor look like in the world in which we live? And what makes that love so extraordinary?
NEW! To view or print Sunday’s 9am Worship bulletin:
Bible Classes
Adult Sunday Morning Bible Class at 10:00 am • The class is led by Jim Essig. We are looking at the Gospel of Luke.
Classes are in the Music Room during our 10:00 am Education Hour, between the 9 am & 11 am worship services.
SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR AGE 4 – GRADE 5: Foundations of Faith • Kids will make crafts, play games, and learn the
basic truths about God using both Old Testament and New Testament stories. Kids will walk away from each class with
a new “God is…” statement (i.e. “God is powerful” or “God is kind”) and what it means that we are God’s people. Sunday
School meets upstairs in the Family Life Center classrooms from 10:00-10:45 on Sunday mornings.
YOUTH SUNDAY BIBLE CLASS (6th-12th) • “Word One Bible Studies” – a mixture of discussion and experiential
learning – come check it out – in the far, upstairs classroom in the Family Life Center from 10:00am-10:45am.
The Mid-week Bible Class will be closed for summer for the month of June & July.
Community Outreach: Annual Back-to-School Event – Saturday July 29 • Prince of Peace/Príncipe de Paz will host its annual Back-to-School event again next month! We will provide back-to-school supplies for families with elementary, middle, and high school students. If you would like to contribute towards this event, you can donate online, mail to the church, or drop it off at the church office.
President’s Equip Conference – September 28-30, 2023, • The President’s Equip Conference is a gathering where everyone in your congregation—volunteers, leaders, pastors, board members, educators, youth leaders, and administrators can gather to work alongside each other to connect people to Jesus. The FLGA District is also celebrating 75 years of mission and ministry! |
Support the Kenya Mission • Support Kenya missionaries Shara and Michael Osiro (LCMS World Misssion) through our VBS giving challenge. Our goal is $500 to “out-raise” the VBS kids in their offerings for the Kenya Mission. Donate through our online form or our online giving pagewhere you can chose “Kenya Mission” from the “give to” drop-down menu. If using a check, please indicate “Kenya Mission” in the memo field. |
Summer Office Hours • The church office will close at noon on Fridays during June and July. If you need campus access on Friday afternoon, please call ahead to make special arrangements.
Volunteers Needed! Help Serve the Lord • We are looking for volunteers that are willing to help serve the Lord by helping with ushering, communion assistant, projection, live stream, altar guild and transportation. If you are willing to help in any way, please contact Adriana at (407) 277-3945 for more information. |
Altar Flowers • To sponsor Altar Flowers in celebration of a special occasion, in memory of a loved one, or simply out of thanksgiving to God, you can do so at or by contacting the office. Today’s altar flowers were given by Eleanor & Gail Eaton and Donna Browne in celebration of Debbie Davis birthday on July 12.
Upcoming Youth Events: (Middle School & High School)
Tonight, July 9 – Youth Night in the FLC – 6:00-7:30 pm
Sunday, July 23 – Youth Mini-Golf at Congo River Golf – 4:00 pm
Saturday, July 29 – Community Service – Help with Back to School Event at PoP – 8:00 am- Noon
Fruits of Faith
June 25
9:00 Traditional: 94 | 11:00 Contemporary: 42 | 11:00 Spanish: 76 | TOTAL: 212
Giving: Thank you for your faithful engagement in our ministry through your gifts and offerings.
June 11 offerings $10,268
June 18 offerings $7,926
June 25 offerings $11,511 needed each week: $11,923.
Recovering: Kristi Armstrong, Sylvia Bourgeois, Henry Leon, Joni Steidly
Healing and Strength: Karen Adkins, Dave & Mary Ann Ault, Rebecca Brooks, Delores B, Michael B, Donna C, Danny Conlin, Alice Darling, Elizabeth Dawson, Sarah D and baby Sam, Steven Dorsagano, Eleanor Eaton, Gail Eaton, John Elmore, Judy Finnie, Rev. Dennis Glander, Michael Halstead, Rebecca Rhodes, Harley Halstead, Joe Heinz, Bill Jordan, Jerry Jordan, Merle Kroeplin, Joan Krumpholc, Larue (friend of Gwen Taliver), Jim Lord, Kathy McCartin, Michael McCarty, George Meder, Lewis Mendez, Dale P., Rick Perre, Dorothy Reynolds, Miriam Rivera, David Rodgers, Nitza Rohena, Rex Serio, Cindy Sibley, Shirley Stockett, Meridith Swanson (vocal rest), Sonia Tellez, Cricket Winters, Leon W, Linda Zamsky
Receiving Treatments: Ellen B., Sarah vB, Ellen Boogher, Kent Jespersen, Cameron LaPointe, Elena Santana, Marleen Schmidt, Jeff S, Teresa Terry, Janet V, Debbie W, Staci Welburn, Dayton Whites, Brenda Williams, Michelle Zicarelli
Continued Care: Chuck Boogher, Pat C., Kelly DeFrietas, Al & Linda Dicks, Bob and Colleen E, Linda House, Minnie Hutchinson, Linda Jackson, Otto Krumpholc, Mary K.M, Micki & Sal LoBue, Joyce Miller, Todd O, Betty Schnell, Caitlyn Thoms; Michael, Noel, & Roger V; Harry Wahl
Special: Lord Jesus, thank you for opening Your heart to us, for journeying from heaven to earth to welcome us into Your kingdom. You have given us and all people a seat at Your table, and You grant hope and deliverance to all who seek You. • We ask that the Lord would send His guardian angels to watch over all those who travel during the weeks ahead. • We ask the Lord to be with President Biden, members of Congress, and the Supreme Court, as well as all state and local leaders. • We ask the Lord to watch over and keep our first responders safe. • We offer special prayers for our church body, the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, in these weeks leading up to our national convention.
For those in the military or deployed: We pray for those who serve our nation in the armed services and for those who are deployed, especially those connected with our PoP/PdeP family: Zachary Carbonell, Kyle Holysz, Matthew Rojas, Amanda S, Greg S, Geoffrey W.
News Extra—Around Campus – Facility Upgrades and Renovations
Administration Office – We added new paint in the hallway and lobby area.
Campus Restrooms (some still ongoing) – Sinks and toilets have been repaired or replaced and plumbing has also been updated.
Music room & FLC Hallways – There is new flooring in the music room hallway and the FLC hallway.
Large Conference Room – New flooring, new conference table and chairs, new paint, and new blinds.
Kitchen – new cabinets, new flooring, new plumbing, new paint, and new warmer oven.
Old Library (off of Kitchen) – New paint, and blinds coming soon, new flooring; removal of stored items/clutter and dated bookshelves | purpose: to create an attractive, functional workspace and meeting area, giving a fresh look to an area preschool families and church members walk past 7 days a week | Cost: $2,100, funding source: Significant Gift of Mission and Ministry ($383,000 of the $1M “M&M Gift” was set aside for Renovation, Aesthetics, Improvements, and Safety)
Preschool “Baby Room” (Old Preschool Office) – new flooring and cabinets | purpose: safe, clean, and special place for our “littles”; eliminate source of insect pests (old cabinet) | Cost: $3,100, funding source: American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021, grant distributed through state of Florida.
New Monument for Memorial Garden – Lack of space for new name plates has necessitated purchase of an additional granite monument for the Prince of Peace/Príncipe de Paz Memorial Garden. The monument has been ordered and will be installed after Easter. Funding for the new monument will come from a mix of special donations (thank you to those who have given leading gifts!) and existing funds in the Bastien Memorial Account. Cost: just under $11,000. Would you like to contribute a gift above and beyond your regular offerings to the new monument? Please contact Chief of Staff/Bookkeeper Pam Fuller in the church office to learn more (
Upcoming Projects
New Wayfinding Signage
Parking lot repair and resurfacing
Music Room update
Preschool classrooms cabinets and flooring