Today: Day of Pentecost • Acts 2:1-21, John 7:37-39 • Pentecost is the day when the church commemorates the coming of the Holy Spirit on the followers of Jesus. The Spirit brought the renewal of the presence of Jesus, who had ascended to heaven. The Spirit comes to assure us that Jesus continues with us until the end of the world and enables us to live a Christian life in power and victory. The Spirit empowers each child of God to be able to serve others with the love of Christ. By the Spirit’s fire we are set ablaze to fulfill the mission of witnessing to Christ and preaching the gospel until Christ returns. And by the Spirit’s power we are united/unidos as one people of God at Prince of Peace/Príncipe de Paz.
To view or print Sunday’s 9am Worship bulletin:
Bible Classes — NO ADULT OR CHILDREN’S BIBLE CLASSES THIS MORNING; classes resume next Sunday
The Mid-week Bible Class for Adults will meet this week (5/22) and next (5/29) before taking some time off for the month of June. • Wednesday Mornings 9:30am – 10:30am in the Board Room. Our topic is looking at Scriptures for the upcoming Sunday’s theme. Led by Pastor Ken.
Continue the Celebration Today!
• Meal/Potluck at 12:00 Noon • Join us today to celebrate and feast as one people of God, one Prince of Peace/Príncipe de Paz. Thank you to those who were able to bring a dish.
Congregational Meeting to Celebrate God’s Work Among Us + Election of Board of Directors Members • (following the Combined Pentecost Worship Service) • Semi-annual Congregational Meetings are just one of the ways you can invest in the ministry of Prince of Peace/Príncipe de Paz. At the Congregational Meeting, members are elected to the Board of Directors and updates for key ministry initiatives are presented.
Board of Directors—Slate of Nominees • The Board of Directors approved the slate of nominees for open positions on the Board as presented by the nominating committee: Paul Browder, Nina Cavalli-Rojas*; Jason Hoge, Brooke McKinnon*, Tony Steinbronn*, and Silquia Velez (*indicates incumbent). Biography information for our candidates will be available next week.
PHOTO OP – Round 2! • Have a family or individual photo taken this Sunday at Prince of Peace/Príncipe de Paz! Photos will be shot in the courtyard by volunteers before and after each service. The Why—This is a great opportunity that we hope will be a blessing you. This can also be a blessing to our congregation as we seek to better connect with one another. We invite everyone who worships at PoP/PdeP to have their picture taken so those digital photos can be a part of our secure, online church directory. Your photos will be available to download from your personal record. Photos will be taken this Sunday as well as next Sunday before and after the combined Pentecost Bi-lingual worship.
Today we Celebrate our High School Graduates! • This weekend we thank God for our graduates and ask Him to continue to bless them as they let their lights shine in the world. Graduating this month are Sam Beasley, Laden Fussell, Elizabeth Green, Ethan Jones, Anthony Ramirez, and Abby Seifert. We have been richly blessed by having these young people and their families as part of our Prince of Peace/Principe de Paz family. Congratulations!
Celebrate Our VPK Graduates! This Friday, May 24, 11am • All are invited to join us on this Friday, May 24, at 11:00am, as we celebrate all these young people have accomplished as we come to the end of another awesome school year!
Later Today: May 19 – Youth Pool Party at 4:00pm-6:00pm • The Gerken family will be hosting the youth pool party at the pool in their HOA. It’s just a few blocks away from his home. There will be drinks and snacks poolside and you get to enjoy a large pool. Not a swimmer? That’s okay, you are still invited to attend and hangout! Call Eric Gerken at (402) 620-5877 if you need the address.
RaiseRight: Support our Youth Ministry with your Graduation Gifts! • Simply go to and select the cards you want, and our Youth will receive a percentage back of each card purchased, depending on the value. This is a quick way to do your shopping AND support our teens in advance of the 2025 National Youth Gathering in New Orleans. You can use this ID code: CFA82EEB65547 to identify Prince of Peace Youth as the organization you want to benefit from your order and start shopping.
Lunch & Zilch: Save the Date! Monday, June 3 at 11:30am • Jim Essig is hosting another lunch & zilch for the summer that is set for Monday, June 3. Please RSVP to Jim by Friday, May 31 by email or text. Remember there is a cost of $10 to cover lunch and prizes for the winners. (This is not a fundraiser) | Jim Essig: (407)446-7147 | jim.essig@poporlando
Church/Preschool offices Closed – Monday, May 27 – Memorial Day • The church and preschool offices will be closed for Memorial Day, a federal holiday in the U.S for honoring and mourning the U.S Military personnel who have died while serving the United States armed forces.
Summer Office Hours • The church office will close at noon on Fridays during June and July. If you need campus access on Friday afternoon, please call ahead to make special arrangements.
Altar Flowers • To sponsor Altar Flowers in celebration of a special occasion, in memory of a loved one, or simply out of thanksgiving to God, you can do so at or by contacting the office.
Compassion Project – Donations Needed! • We are seeking the following items: new men’s large and extra-large underwear boxer shorts; AA and AAA batteries; and toothbrushes. All items can be dropped off in the church office, and they will be delivered to the Samaritan Resource Center. Thank you for helping those in need.
Vacation Bible Camp Updates!
SCUBA is planned for June 10-14 from 9:00 am- 12:15 pm daily. It is a fun, “undersea” adventure to help kids Age 4- Grade 5 (rising 6th) to explore what it means to be Jesus’ friend. The music, games, skits, science experiments, snacks and more all point to Jesus. It is fun, action packed, and we would love to see your child there!
Donations List • Many of our activities are “supply heavy.” We have been blessed over the years to have many items donated that are needed to hold this major program. (This list is will be updated regularly until the week before Camp)
Registration is filling up! Register Now to Ensure You Don’t Miss out! • Last summer, we filled all of our spaces 2 weeks before camp started, and we are ahead of that pace for SCUBA. Don’t wait, sign up your child now to ensure that they do not have to be placed on our waiting list. |
Volunteers are needed for SCUBA Vacation Bible Camp – June 10-14 • We have some KEY Leadership positions, especially in our preschool programming, that need more adult volunteers. We are looking for Station leaders or Co-Station leaders. Other areas that need caring volunteers include Preschool Bible story, Preschool Crafts, Preschool Science and Preschool Games. Our Dive Camp Instructors (volunteer small group leaders) will handle supervising and any discipline necessary. If interested in learning more, please fill out our online volunteer form or contact DCE Eric Gerken. |
Thank you for pushing us toward our goal for PoP Kids! • Your financial donations for Bible Camp make a difference. Not only are we seeing increased cost in curriculum and supplies from our publisher, but we have a vision for launching PoP Kids, an ongoing ministry to engage children and families. Your donations help with the branding through purchasing T-shirts that kids and families will be encouraged to wear to future activities. Thank you to the PoP Endowment Committee for seed money, and to congregation members for rising to the challenge. Don’t miss this this opportunity: prayerfully consider a donation today?
In Person SCUBA Volunteer Training – Saturday, June 1 at 10:00 am • We still need several more Youth and Adults to fill volunteer roles for VBC. If you have not yet volunteered and can help on the mornings of June 10-14, please sign up today. This is a GREAT way to get volunteer hours for school. Here is the link to register:
Fruits of Faith
Sunday, May 12
9:00 Traditional: 118 | 11:00 Contemporary: 68 | 11:00 Spanish: 85 | TOTAL: 269
Giving: Thank you for your faithful engagement in our ministry through your gifts and offerings.
April 28 offerings $ 9,001
May 5 Offerings $11,528
May 12 Offerings $12,862
needed each week: $12,403
Your gifts and offerings, your prayers and service to the Lord—they make a difference here, and for all eternity.
Hospitalized: Martha Rockey (wife of FLGA District President, Rev. James Rockey) | Recovering: Barbara Conyers, Susanne Johnson, Camille Neville, Debbie Noss, Nancy Plotnikoff, Norma Poutre, Jeff Powell, Sheila Roberts, Cindy Sibly, Pete Spudich, Pat Williams
Healing and Strength: Karen Adkins, Dave & Mary Ann Ault, Kurt Bickel, Rebecca Brooks, Delores B, Michael B, Donna C, Danny Conlin, Elizabeth Dawson, Sarah Dierking, Steven Dorsagano, Gail Eaton, John Elmore, Amanda Fearce, Judy Finnie, Leonard G, Rev. Dennis Glander, Michael Halstead, Joe Heinz, Jim & Pam Ingersoll, Chris & Kristen Ivanic, Bill Jordan, Jerry Jordan, Kelli Kalinowski, Merle Kroeplin, Henry Leon, Jim Lord, Larry Martinez, Kathy McCartin, Michael McCarty, Maddie, George Meder, Lewis Mendez, Christopher Miller, Mario Muniz, Skylar Newport, Rick Perre, Miriam Rivera, David Rodgers, Nitza Rohena, David Schloemer, Rex Serio, Hannah Steinbronn, Shirley Stockett, Carmen & Juan, Rosalee Wessel, Ted Wessel, Cricket Winters, Leon W, Linda Zamsky
Family & Friends: Stephanie, Matthew, Samantha, Jason, Daniel Baudry, Debbie Holly, Carlyn and Sarah (both fighting cancer)
Receiving Treatments: Ellen Boogher, Sarah vonBraun, Joshula Flowers, Cameron LaPointe, Elvie Lord, Pastor Brian Roberts, Elena Santana, Jeff S, Tina T, Janet V, Vincent Ward, Debbie W, Dayton Whites, Brenda Williams, Michelle Zicarelli
Continued Care: Chuck Boogher, Rick Burns, Pat C., Kelly DeFrietas, Al & Linda Dicks, Bob E, Linda House, Linda Jackson, Otto Krumpholc, Mary K.M, Jean LaPointe, Micki & Sal LoBue, Todd O, Betty Schnell, Michael, Noel, & Roger V, Harry Wahl
Special: Father, make us one through Your Son, Jesus Christ, who died for all. Holy Spirit, quench our thirst for unity, justice, and peace through the living water You provide. • We thank God for our Preschool, for those who will “graduate” from VPK this week, and ask for God’s continued blessings upon students, families, and staff. • Bless our Vacation Bible School as we seek to touch every heart with the love of Jesus. • We pray for all those who are graduating from their studies. • Be with President Biden, members of Congress, and the Supreme Court, as well as all state and local leaders. • Lord, watch over and keep our first responders safe.
Prayers for those in the military or deployed: We pray for those who serve our nation in the armed services and for those who are deployed, especially those connected with our PoP/PdeP family: Jake Allison, Zachary Carbonell, Cody Dowling, Kyle Holysz, Matthew Rojas, Amanda S, Greg S, Geoffrey W
Missing a birthday or anniversary and wish to add to the list? Please email
Staff Contacts:
Rev. Ken Green, Senior Pastor
Rev. Adolfo Borges, Assoc. Pastor
David Ludwig, Jr., Worship & Music
Deaconess Ligia Borges, Outreach
DCE Eric Gerken, Families and Youth
Anne Dobbins, Preschool Director
Jim Essig, Senior Adult Ministry
Pam Fuller, Chief of Staff
Adriana Alas, Administrative Assist.
Office Contact information: (407)277-3945 |
– Sonia Tellez is helping in our office while Adriana is out on maternity leave. Sonia, we are grateful for you!