Week of October 29, 2023

Today: “The God Who Gives…His Truth” • John 8:31-36; Isaiah 58:1-7; Romans 3:19-28 • We have probably all heard someone say: “Speak your truth,” and, “The truth will set you free.” On this Reformation Sunday, we look at the words of Jesus as He speaks the truth, for He IS the truth. Moreover, we consider what it means to be set free. Ask yourself these questions: From what have we been set free? And for what purposes have we been set free? As we allow ourselves to be immersed in the Truth, we consider the purposes of God for us as He sets us free to share His true and everlasting love with this world.

Reformation Sunday: As we observe the anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, we remember that central to the Christian faith is the truth that forgiveness, eternal life, and salvation are free gifts of God’s grace through the redemption that comes by Jesus Christ. By faith we believe that Jesus has set us free from sin and death and has made us children of God. We thank God for revealing these truths through Holy Scripture and that He has given His Word to guide us in faith and life.

To view or print Sunday’s 9am Worship bulletin: https://poporlando.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/2023_10_29-Trad-Reformation-002.pdf

Bible Classes
Adult Sunday Morning Bible Class at 10:00 am • The class is led by Jim Essig. We are looking at the topic of Ephesians. Classes are in the Music Room during our 10:00 am Education Hour, between the 9 am & 11 am worship services.
SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR AGE 4 – GRADE 5: Heart of God • This year, our Sunday School will be digging into the “Heart of God.” Our volunteers will help children understand God’s attributes through Bible stories, crafts, games and more. Each week the children will learn about who God is and how we can follow Him. The children will have a lot of fun and learn important faith lessons at the same time.  | https://poporlando.breezechms.com/form/57d9c8
YOUTH SUNDAY BIBLE CLASS (6th-12th) • We are currently exploring “Parables”- the stories that Jesus used to teach. How do these stories help a modern teen? How do we relate to stories about shepherds and Samaritans and kings holding banquets? Come join the discussion as we enjoy some fun activities that will help us explore the depths of God’s love for us. Meet in the Office Conference Room each Sunday at 10:00am
The Mid-week Bible Class for Adults • Wednesday Mornings 9:30am – 10:30am in the Board Room. Our topic is looking at Scriptures for the upcoming Sunday’s theme. Led by Pastor Ken.

Reformation Sunday Reception – Today at 10am All treat and no tricks! Please join us by the Family Life Center for a special cake and coffee in between services as we celebrate how we have been “justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus” (Romans 3: 24).

Altar Flowers To sponsor Altar Flowers in celebration of a special occasion, in memory of a loved one, or simply out of thanksgiving to God, you can do so at https://poporlando.breezechms.com/form/flowers or by contacting the office.

Trunk or Treat – Today at 4pm Check out our Trunk or Treat event today at 4pm. Bring the whole family for some safe and spirited pre-Halloween fun. Kids are welcome to come dressed up. There will be candy, carnival games and more!

Thanksgiving Basket Outreach Distribution – Friday, November 17 – Donations Needed As we get closer to a new month, we are preparing for our annual Thanksgiving outreach and need your help! Please donate online or in person during the week or on Sunday mornings at worship. Please mark your donation as “Thanksgiving Outreach” https://poporlando.com/give/

Lunch & Zilch – This Thursday, November 2 at 11:30 am in the FLC – RSVP by Tomorrow! Please RSVP to Jim via text or email by Monday, October 30. There is a cost of $10 per person to cover the lunch and the prizes for the Zilch winners (this is not a fund-raiser), so we can be sure of having the correct number of prizes for our winners! Jim.essig@poporlando.com | 407-446-7147

10th Annual Hymn Festival – Next Saturday, November 4 at 4pm • Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Sanford, is having their annual Hymn festival. All are welcome to attend! Our very own, David Ludwig, Jr. will be the featured composer and organist. There will be extraordinary music and hymns, including old, familiar tunes and new original compositions! A wine & cheese and chili potluck dinner follow the service. (2525 S. Oak Avenue, Sanford)

Food Pantry Fund Drive Update:
Thank you to all those who have participated! We are more than halfway to our goal of $25,000 (either in one-time gifts or regular recurring gifts) to support our Food Pantry outreach. We are continuing to receive gifts. Note “Food Pantry” on your checks or donate at https://poporlando.breezechms.com/give/online

Holiday Shopping Made Easy – Gift Cards Through RaiseRight! The Gift Card program through Raise Right supports our youth ministry. You can use this ID code: CFA82EEB65547 to identify Prince of Peace Youth as the organization you want to benefit from your order and start shopping.

“Cornerstones of Character” by Pastor Bruce Lieske
LWML is continuing to sell this book through the end of October. They are asking for a free will donation which will be sent to the mission Burning Bush (evangelizing to Jewish People), which was started in FL by Bruce. The books will be in the FLC and narthex or you can contact Cherie Nocks.

Peter Mayer “Stars & Promises Christmas Tour” – Tickets Still Available On Monday, December 18, at 7 pm, PoP is hosting the 24th anniversary tour of Peter Mayer’s acclaimed Christmas Concert. Peter is a singer, songwriter, and guitarist who has released 25 of his own albums, toured internationally with his own band, and was lead guitarist for Jimmy Buffett’s Coral Reefer band for three decades. | For Tickets: https://bit.ly/Peter-Mayer-Christmas-Concert

Compassion Project – Items Needed Looking for donations of men’s tennis shoes: size 10+ (new or used in good condition). Please drop off donations in the church office.

Sports Card Donations You can donate any old sports, magic, Pokémon or yu-gi-oh cards to Prince of Peace or to Jeff Powell to be sold for the general fund. Jeff oversees 4 Sports Consultation which is the name he uses for online sales of sports cards. He has years of experience in this so be assured that this will be handled professionally. You can contact Jeff with any questions. (407)538-5206 | 4sportconsultation@gmail.com

Fruits of Faith

October 22
9:00 Traditional: 115 | 11:00 Contemporary: 58 | 11:00 Spanish: 95 | TOTAL: 268
Thank you for your faithful engagement in our ministry through your gifts and offerings.
October 8 offerings $8,446
October 15 offerings $16,264
October 22 offerings $12,807
needed each week: $11,923.

Prayers of Comfort: We pray for Debbie Noss at the death of her sister, Janice Crafton.
Palliative Care: Dorothy Reynolds
Recovering: Deaconess Ligia Borges, John B, Gene Fresk, Janice & Rev. Dennis Glander, Bjorg Hodges Henry Leon, Camille Neville, Raya Pokigo, Norma Poutre, Sheila Roberts, Cindy Sibly, Joni Steidly, Harry Wahl, Pat Williams
Healing and Strength: Karen Adkins, Dave & Mary Ann Ault, Rebecca Brooks, Delores B, Michael B, Donna C, Danny Conlin, Alice Darling, Elizabeth Dawson, Sarah D, Steven Dorsagano, Gail Eaton, John Elmore, Amanda Fearce, Judy Finnie, Leonard G, Michael Halstead, Kristen Ivanic, Joe Heinz, Jim, Bill Jordan, Jerry Jordan, Merle Kroeplin, Jim Lord, Kathy McCartin, Michael McCarty, Maddie, Royanne Martin, George Meder, Lewis Mendez, Mario Muniz, Skylar Newport, Dale P., Rick Perre, Miriam Rivera, David Rodgers, Nitza Rohena, Rex Serio, Hannah Steinbronn, Shirley Stockett, Meridith Swanson, Ted Wessel, Cricket Winters, Leon W, Linda Zamsky
Receiving Treatments: Ellen B., Sarah vB, Ellen Boogher, Kent Jespersen, Cameron LaPointe, Doug P, Pastor Brian Roberts, Elena Santana, Marleen Schmidt, Jeff S, Tina T, Janet V, Debbie W, Staci Welburn, Dayton Whites, Brenda Williams, Michelle Zicarelli
Continued Care: Chuck Boogher, Rick Burns, Pat C., Kelly DeFrietas, Al & Linda Dicks, Bob E, Linda House, Minnie Hutchinson, Linda Jackson, Otto Krumpholc, Mary K.M, Micki & Sal LoBue, Joyce Miller, Todd O, Betty Schnell, Caitlyn Thoms; Michael, Noel, & Roger V
Special: We thank you, Lord, for Your gracious gift of freedom through Christ. Be with us as we live as Your people, sharing Your true and everlasting love with world. • We ask the Lord to be with President Biden, members of Congress, and the Supreme Court, as well as all state and local leaders and our first responders.
Prayers for those in the military or deployed: We pray for those who serve our nation in the armed services and for those who are deployed, especially those connected with our PoP/PdeP family: Jake Allison, Zachary Carbonell, Cody Dowling, Kyle Holysz, Matthew Rojas, Amanda S, Greg S, Geoffrey W.

A Prayer for Peace: • We pray for all those affected by war or violence in our world (the shootings in Maine; terror, war, and unrest in Israel and Gaza) Heavenly Father, God of all concord, it is Your gracious will that Your children on earth live together in harmony and peace. Defeat the plans of all those who would stir up violence and strife, destroy the weapons of those who delight in war and bloodshed, and according to Your will, end all conflicts in the world. Teach us to examine our hearts that we may recognize our own inclination toward envy, malice, hatred, and enmity. Help us, by Your Word and Spirit, to search our hearts and to root out the evil that would lead to strife and discord, so that in our lives we may be at peace with all people. Fill us with zeal for the work of Your Church and the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which alone can bring that peace which is beyond all understanding, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. (from LSB, p.314)

Concert Series Begins Again – Share the News!
Beginning next month, we will begin our concert series. We are excited to be able to host artists and musicians to hear how wonderful they all play! Save the date and share the news with family and friends. Below you will find the upcoming concert series in order.
Upcoming Concert Series:

  • Sunday, November 19 at 3pm – Piano and Violin Recital: Keys & Strings – from Europe to America. (No Cost – Free will Offering) The Artists, you may remember our former organist, Ammon Perry, Pianist, will be playing alongside Ayako Yonetani, Violinist. Two professional musicians coming together to play pieces by European and American composers, including LeClair, Bach, Liszt, Brahms, Gershwin and Zabach.

                If you would like to view past performances of both artists, below are the links to their websites:
   Ammon Perry: https://www.ammonperrypianist.com/ |  Ayako Yonetani: https://www.ayakoyonetani.com/

  • Saturday, December 9 at 7pm – Christmas Choir Concert – Coral Clavel de Sol. A Holiday tradition that is done every year by the community choir. With tenor Rafael Cavero and Andres Soler, Conductor (more information will be provided sometime next month)

  • Monday, December 18 at 7pm “Stars and Promises” Christmas Concert TourThe 24th anniversary tour of Peter Mayer’s acclaimed Christmas Concert. Peter is a singer, songwriter, and guitarist who has released 25 of his own albums, toured internationally with his own band, and was lead guitarist for Jimmy Buffett’s Coral Reefer band for three decades. Tickets available online:

  • Saturday, March 2, 2024 – Choir Concert – Cornerstone University Chorale: Dr. Kent Walters, Conductor. (More information will be provided when the time comes closer.)

Staff Contacts:
Rev. Ken Green, Senior Pastor ken.green@poporlando.com
Rev. Adolfo Borges, Assoc. Pastor adolfo.borges@poporlando.com
David Ludwig, Jr., Worship & Music david.ludwig@poporlando.com
Deaconess Ligia Borges, Outreach ligia.morales@poporlando.com
DCE Eric Gerken, Families and Youth eric.gerken@poporlando.com
Anne Dobbins, Preschool Director anne.dobbins@poporlando.com
Jim Essig, Senior Adult Ministry jim.essig@poporlando.com
Pam Fuller, Chief of Staff pam.fuller@poporlando.com
Adriana Alas, Administrative Assist. adriana.alas@poporlando.com
Office Contact information: (407)277-3945 | staff@poporlando.com

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