The church office will be closed from Tuesday, Dec. 24 through Thursday, Jan. 2. Staff are available by appointment only.

We invite you to celebrate Christmas at Prince of Peace Orlando! Click here to see our worship schedule.

Week of September 17, 2023

Today: “Perfect Love…from the Source” • 1 John 4:1-10; Psalm 103:1-13; Luke 2:8-12 • Perfect love, the type that drives out fear and fills lives with joy, peace, and hope from God—where does that love originate? The Apostle John points us to the source: this “love comes from God” and, “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him” (1 John 4:7, 9). Repeatedly, John makes reference to Jesus’ coming to bring this love into the world. Why is this so important? Because God doesn’t want anyone to miss out on receiving His love. How can we make this love known more and more? Just as Jesus came into this world to make this love evident, He now sends us into the world so others would have their lives transformed by the power of His love.

To view or print Sunday’s 9am Worship bulletin:

Bible Classes
Adult Sunday Morning Bible Class at 10:00 am • The class is led by Jim Essig. We are looking at the Gospel of Luke. Classes are in the Music Room during our 10:00 am Education Hour, between the 9 am & 11 am worship services.
SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR AGE 4 – GRADE 5: Heart of God • This year, our Sunday School will be digging into the “Heart of God.” Our volunteers will help children understand God’s attributes through Bible stories, crafts, games and more. Each week the children will learn about who God is and how we can follow Him. The children will have a lot of fun and learn important faith lessons at the same time.  |
YOUTH SUNDAY BIBLE CLASS (6th-12th) • The class will dive into what it means to be a friend, how to be a friend- even when your friends don’t share your faith. We always manage to have fun while we discuss God’s Word and what it means for us today. Class will meet in the Board room in the church office from 10:00am-10:45am.
The Mid-week Bible Class for Adults • Wednesday Mornings 9:30am – 10:30am in the Board Room. Our topic is looking at Scriptures for the upcoming Sunday’s theme. Led by Pastor Ken.

LWML Fall Potluck Luncheon – Wednesday, September 20 at 10:30am in the FLC LWML invites ALL women of the congregation to their fall potluck salad/appetizer luncheon. Please bring your favorite dish and a friend to share it with. If you are unable to attend, please remember they meet on the 3rd Wednesday every month until May 2024.

Volunteers Needed for Sunday Worship!We are looking for volunteers that are willing to help serve the Lord by helping with ushering, communion assistant, projection, live stream, altar guild and transportation. If you are willing to help in any way please fill out our online form or contact Adriana at (407)277-3945.

Donations for LWML District Retreat “Ingathering” – New Items Only •
Please donate no later than Friday, September 22. Containers have been set up in the Narthex, FLC, & Church office. Items needed are: Diapers (Sizes Newborn, 4, 5 & 6), baby wipes, baby formula, pacifiers, diaper rash ointment, soft swaddling blankets, burp cloths for the babies; toiletry items, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, travel size shampoo, facial wash cloths, and combs for the moms.

Compassion Project in Need of Volunteers! People have kindly continued donating needed items, but now we need someone who will be able to deliver them. The volunteer would monitor the compassion cabinet periodically located in the church office and decide when to deliver them. Please contact Ellen P for more information. (407)340-6355

Altar Flowers To sponsor Altar Flowers in celebration of a special occasion, in memory of a loved one, or simply out of thanksgiving to God, you can do so at or by contacting the office.

Redeeming Life Outreach Ministry: “Hearts in Mission” Boots Bowties & Bling Gala – Saturday, October 14 As they celebrate their 10 year anniversary celebration, PoP/PdP staff and members have been invited to attend Redeeming Life Gala that will be held on October 14 from 5:30pm-10:30pm  at the Heathrow Country Club in Lake Mary. If you’re interested in attending, please visit their website for more information. |

 High School ONLY Youth Night – Today from 6pm-7:30pm in the FLC To truly meet students where they are, we will occasionally offer middle school only or high school only youth night. This month it is the high school students turn! Invite friends to join you as they participate in some games, activities that will help discover what they bring to friendships, family relationships and dating relationships.

FLGA Youth Ministry Weekend – Register Today! – November 3-5 The FLGA Middle School Youth Gathering and The District High School Leadership Retreat are taking place on the same date and same location. Registration for both events is $199 per person for the weekend but PoP is offering this experience to our students for $100. Please contact Eric Gerken for more information. (Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center) |

Sports Card Donations
If you have any old sports cards or Pokémon, magic and yu-gi-oh cards and not sure what to do with them, do not throw them away! You can donate them to Prince of Peace or to Jeff Powell to be sold for the general fund. Jeff oversees 4 Sports Consultation which is the name he uses for online sales of sports cards. He has years of experience in this so be assured that this will be handled professionally. You can contact Jeff for any questions. (407)538-5206 |

Fruits of Faith
September 10
9:00 Traditional: 109 | 11:00 Contemporary: 63 | 11:00 Spanish: 68 | TOTAL: 240
Thank you for your faithful engagement in our ministry through your gifts and offerings.
August 27 offerings $10,123
September 3 offerings $12,157
September 10 offerings $9,684
needed each week: $11,923.

Prayers of Comfort: We pray for Otto Krumpholc and family at the loss of his wife Joan, who went to her heavenly home on Monday, September 11. We also pray for Bob Eldredge and family at the death of his wife, Colleen, who went to be with Jesus on Friday, September 15. We ask Jesus, the resurrected one, to surround their families with His peace, comfort, and resurrection joy.
Recovering: Deaconess Ligia Borges, John B, Janice & Rev. Dennis Glander, Henry Leon, Dorothy Reynolds, Kay Richards, Sheila Roberts, Cindy Sibly, Joni Steidly, Alan V, Harry Wahl
Healing and Strength: Karen Adkins, Dave & Mary Ann Ault, Rebecca Brooks, Delores B, Michael B, Donna C, Danny Conlin, Alice Darling, Elizabeth Dawson, Sarah D, Steven Dorsagano, Gail Eaton, John Elmore, Amanda Fearce, Judy Finnie, Leonard G, Michael Halstead, Joe Heinz, Jim, Bill Jordan, Jerry Jordan, Merle Kroeplin, Jim Lord, Kathy McCartin, Michael McCarty, Maddie, Royanne Martin, George Meder, Lewis Mendez, Camille N, Skylar Newport, Dale P., Raya Pokigo, Rick Perre, Miriam Rivera, David Rodgers, Nitza Rohena, Janette Seeds (friend of Barbara Hahn), Rex Serio, Hannah Steinbronn, Shirley Stockett, Meridith Swanson, Ted Wessel, Cricket Winters, Leon W, Linda Zamsky
Receiving Treatments: Ellen B., Sarah vB, Ellen Boogher, Kent Jespersen, Cameron LaPointe, Doug P, Pastor Brian Roberts, Elena Santana, Marleen Schmidt, Jeff S, Tina T, Janet V, Debbie W, Staci Welburn, Dayton Whites, Brenda Williams, Michelle Zicarelli
Continued Care: Chuck Boogher, Rick Burns, Pat C., Kelly DeFrietas, Al & Linda Dicks, Bob E, Linda House, Minnie Hutchinson, Linda Jackson, Otto Krumpholc, Mary K.M, Micki & Sal LoBue, Joyce Miller, Todd O, Betty Schnell, Caitlyn Thoms; Michael, Noel, & Roger V
Special: Lord Jesus, we thank you for Your perfect love. Help us to clearly see you as the source of perfect love, so that we would seek Your love out. Transform us by Your love so that we would boldly go into the world to share that love with others. • We continue to pray for those affected by natural disasters, including those in areas of Libya who experienced devastating flooding and those in Morocco after the severe earthquake there. Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy. • We ask the Lord to be with President Biden, members of Congress, and the Supreme Court, as well as all state and local leaders. • Lord, watch over and keep our first responders safe.
For those in the military or deployed: We pray for those who serve our nation in the armed services and for those who are deployed, especially those connected with our PoP/PdeP family: Zachary Carbonell, Kyle Holysz, Matthew Rojas, Amanda S, Greg S, Geoffrey W.

Preschool Prayers—Class of the Month: This month we pray for our friends in the Caterpillars Class (infants) – Ms. Carolina, Caleb, Rose, and Roland

 Staff Contacts:
Rev. Ken Green, Senior Pastor
Rev. Adolfo Borges, Assoc. Pastor
David Ludwig, Jr., Worship & Music
Deaconess Ligia Borges, Outreach
DCE Eric Gerken, Families and Youth
Anne Dobbins, Preschool Director
Jim Essig, Senior Adult Ministry
Pam Fuller, Chief of Staff
Adriana Alas, Administrative Assist.
Office Contact information: (407)277-3945 |

News Extra – Around Campus
The Clothing Shed is NOW OPEN!
Our Clothing shed has been delivered, installed, and approved to open! It is in the main parking lot near Curry Ford in front of the Sanctuary. You can now donate used clothing that you do not need any more and will be used worldwide for those in need!
Only Items Accepted: All clothing, shoes, sneakers, belts, purses, blankets, towels, sheets, pillowcases, curtains, and stuffed toys. (Your donations will be redistributed as whole garments.)

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