Today: “He Knows Exactly What You Need: Love’s Perspective Readings: Luke 6:27-38; Genesis 45:3-15; 1 Corinthians 15: 21-26, 30-42 • We know that everyone needs love…and our world desperately needs God’s love. Jesus teaches us today about love that is radically different from the love that is typically expressed in our world. And He has chosen us to share His love in radical ways that reflect His love for us. To whom is Jesus sending you, carrying His love?

To view or print Sunday’s 9am Worship bulletin:

Nursery Available During All Sunday Services • For babies 6 months to age 4, located in Room 100 (across from the church & school office), with sign-in (required) and drop-off up to 15 minutes prior to the service and pick-up shortly after the service ends. The kids can play while they watch/listen to the worship live-stream. All our volunteers have completed background checks and are ready and willing to care for your child. See DCE Eric for more information!

Bible Classes
Adult Sunday Morning Bible Class at 10:00 am • The class is led by Jim Essig. We are studying the Gospel of John. Classes are in the Music Room during our 10:00 am Education Hour, between 9 am & 11 am worship.
SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR AGE 4 – GRADE 5: Kingdom Quest • Kingdom Quest is a Bible overview curriculum that teaches children the core stories of the Bible and helps them see why they matter today. We help children experience God’s love through Bible stories, crafts, games and more., as we learn to follow Jesus. The children will have a lot of fun and learn important faith lessons at the same time.
Youth Bible Class – 10:00am • This youth bible class will be held at McDonald’s (next to the church) for breakfast and bible study. They will be looking at what the bible says about serving him as a teen and having bible-based discussions. Be sure to have the bible app downloaded on to your phone!
The Mid-week Bible Class for Adults • Wednesday Mornings 9:30am – 10:30am in the Board Room. Our topic is looking at Scriptures for the upcoming Sunday’s theme. Led by Pastor Ken.
Are you looking for meaningful daily devotions that connect with everyday life?
Our Daily Bread. “Helping you connect with God. Every day. Every way.” |
• Lutheran Hour Ministries

“Baby Bottle” Campaign for Redeeming Life Outreach Ministry Today is the day to pick up and fill a baby bottle with checks, cash, or spare change to support Redeeming Life. Redeeming Life’s ministry serves pregnant women in crisis, resulting in healthy babies and transformed lives. The support of congregations like PoP/PdeP is vital!

Crossroads Newsletter 2025 You can find the Crossroads newsletter in the narthex or FLC on Sundays, before or after services. If you or someone you know needs a copy of the Crossroads physically mailed to their home, please let us know by emailing or calling the church at (407)277-3945.

LWML Collecting Eyeglasses Until September 7 for Future Mission Trip LWML will be collecting all types of eyeglasses/readers until September 7th for their Mission Coordinator to Kenya. There are containers located in the narthex and family life center

RSVP By Tomorrow, Monday, February 24 – Lunch & Zilch is on Thursday, February 27 at 11:30am Bring along some friends to have some fun, win, and enjoy lunch. Please RSVP to Jim Essig no later than Monday, February 24. Remember there is a $10 fee to cover lunch and the prize. | (407)446-7147

Prayer Gathering with a Shrove Breakfast – Saturday, March 1, 9:00 AM to 11:30 PM in the FLC • As we embark on the Lenten season, it’s clear that our world, our personal lives, and our church need prayer. Let us unite in prayer for one another, for our community, and for God’s renewal in our lives as we launch our “Worthy is the Lamb” 50 Days of Prayer with this special gathering that includes a Shrove breakfast. ALL are invited and welcome to come!

Youth To Host “A Taste of New Orleans” March 9 (Fundraiser for our Youth participating in the NYG) Come to this fundraiser on Sunday, March 9th, after the 11:00 am services. Enjoy Cajun chicken pasta, red beans and rice, jambalaya, and more. No set price, but free-will donations will be received with appreciation at the door. Includes Live Jazz Music! We will have live, professional jazz musicians creating the atmosphere of NOLA all around us. Please sign up in advance to help us plan food quantities.

First Communion Workshop for Children 3rd Grade & Older – Saturday, March 29 – Advanced Registration required Instruction in both English and Spanish will take place for children wishing to take 1st Communion. We will gather in the Family Life Center at 9:30 am and meet until noon. Children who attend English services will take their First Communion the next day- Sunday, March 30th while students who attend our Spanish service will receive their First Communion on Sunday, April 6th. Please reach out to DCE Eric Gerken or Pastor Adolfo Borges with any questions.

Save the Date: Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 13 from 4pm-6pm Mark your calendar! We are hosting our annual community Easter egg hunt on Sunday, April 14. Please keep this event in your prayers. More information will be provided in the next coming months.

Save the Date: Our “True North” Vacation Bible Camp is set for June 9-13! VBC will be the second full week of June and will be lots of fun for kids Aged 4- Grade 5. Kids will explore games, crafts, science experiments, snacks, skits, creative Bible storytelling, music and more each day from 9:00-12:15. Information about registration, volunteering and donations will be available soon.

Thank You: “Souper Bowl of Caring/Food Pantry” Thank you to all those who have contributed to our annual fundraiser for the Prince of Peace Food Pantry, the Souper Bowl of Caring. It is still not too late to donate. Look for the Souper Bowl of Caring envelopes are in the narthex and FLC at each entrance, or simply note on your check, “Food Pantry.” You may also give online at

Thrivent Choice Dollars—deadline March 31 • Support Prince of Peace by directing your Thrivent Choice Dollars® today. Simply go to to learn more or call 800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” after the prompt. The deadline to direct Thrivent Choice dollars is March 31.

Fruits of Faith
Sunday, February 16
9:00am Traditional: 115 | 11:00am Contemporary: 70 | 11:00am Espanol: 60 | TOTAL: 245
Giving: Thank you for your faithful engagement in our ministry through your gifts and offerings.
February 2 offerings $25,227   *includes an annual qualified charitable donation (QCD) made through an IRA
February 9 offerings $14,233   *includes special $5,000 gift to replace burned out lights in the FLC. Not included in that
total is an additional $5,357 given for the Food Pantry in the Souper Bowl of Caring
February 16 offerings $11,393

Make an IRA gift to Prince of Peace! Are you over 70½? Each year the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reminds owners of traditional IRAs who are over 70½ that they may make a charitable gift from a traditional IRA. Learn more how you can make a difference by clicking here

Hospitalized: Ava Lindsey (12 y-o granddaughter of Chris & Vicki Stork; had brain tumor removed Thursday)

Recovering at Home or Rehab Facility: Chuck Boogher, Shar Dluhy, Daryl Flynn, Gail Eaton, Joe Heinz, Robert Hupsel, Susanne Johnson, Virderie Kaminska, Connie Lerchen, Tausha Miller, Camille Neville, Debbie Noss, Jeff Powell, Mike Ritzel (Judy Finnie’s nephew), Mario Rodriguez, Sheila Roberts, Betty Schnell, Cindy Sibly, Pete Spudich, James Stanley, Shirley Stockett, Pat Williams

Healing and Strength: Karen Adkins, Dave & Mary Ann Ault, Kurt Bickel, Rebecca Brooks, Sarah Dierking, Judy & Jim Finnie, Raven, Rev. Dennis Glander, Michael Halstead, Jim & Pam Ingersoll, Chris & Kristen Ivanic, Bill Jordan, Jerry Jordan, Merle Kroeplin, Larry Martinez, Michael McCarty, Maddie, Rick Perre, Raya Pokigo, Miriam Rivera, Nitza Rohena, Tom Rowell, Rex Serio, Hannah Steinbronn, Carmen & Juan, Rosalee Wessel, Ted Wessel, Cricket Winters, Leon W, Linda Zamsky

Receiving Treatments: Ellen Boogher, Sarah vonBraun, Debbie Holley (Pam Fuller’s sister), Cameron LaPointe, Larry Jones, Lisa Repalo, Elena Santana, Jeff S, Barbara Smith (mother of Brooke McKinnon), Tina T, Janet V, Amber Vittone, Debbie W, Carol Wieber, Brenda Williams

New Life: We give thanks along with Nina & Jose Rojas for the safe arrival of their granddaughter, Grace.

Continued Care: Pat C., Kelly DeFrietas, Al & Linda Dicks, Bob E, Linda House, Linda Jackson, Otto Krumpholc, Mary K.M, Jean LaPointe, Micki & Sal LoBue, Mario Muniz, Todd O, Ray Pirino, Betty Schnell, Michael, Noel, & Roger V, Jerry Warnock

Family & Friends: Rob and Lori Angus, Delores B, Michael B, Evelyn Brucks (Marlene Browne’s mother), Donna C, Danny Conlin, Elizabeth Dawson, Jameson Doud (young relative of Lu Burchfield), Steven Dorsagano, John Elmore, Amanda Fearce, Christina, Stephanie, Matthew, Michael, Samantha, Jason, Daniel Baudry, Fran Federman, Leonard G, Ruth Johnson (sister of Kathy McCartin), Meghan Miller, AshLee Anne Tellez (Sonia Tellez niece), Vincent Ward (treatments), Jim Obenour, Carlyn and Sarah (fighting cancer), Rick Perre Haley, David Rodgers

Special: Lord Jesus, teach us to love. Begin by showing us and opening our hearts to experience the fullness of Your love. Then send us to share that love wherever it is needed. • We ask the Lord to comfort those who have experienced trauma through man-made and natural disasters. Be with all those who suffer from famine, violence, disease, fear and oppression. As Your church, make us to be salt and light in our world. • We pray for President Trump, members of Congress, and the Supreme Court, as well as all state and local leaders. • Watch over and keep our first responders safe.

Prayers for those in the military or deployed: We pray for those who serve our nation in the armed services and for those who are deployed, especially those connected with our PoP/PdeP family: Jake Allison, Sam Beasley, Zachary Carbonell, Billy Embach, Kyle Holysz, Matthew Rojas, Meghan Rojas, Amanda S, Greg S, Geoffrey, Antonio Watt, Anthony Witcher

Preschool Prayers—Class of the Month: This month we pray for our friends in the Tigers class (3 y/o) – Ms. Glenda, Cloe, Ezra, Jeremias, Julian, Liana, Marlene, Myah, and Oliver.

Worthy Is the Lamb – Our Lenten Emphasis
Worthy Is the Lamb: 50 Days of Prayer • The church and all the world is in need of God’s intervention. The season of Lent is a key time for us to acknowledge the organizational and spiritual challenges before us, coming in repentance and being renewed by the Lamb of God who is “worthy to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!” (Revelation 5:12) During this season, as one Prince of Peace/Príncipe de Paz we come before the mercy seat of God and to the Lamb bringing our prayer, study and devotion asking God to guide and direct our mission to His glory and for the sake of all His peoples. Please watch for your “Worthy Is the Lamb” devotional to be mailed to you in the coming days.

Ash Wednesday, March 5 – 11am Traditional Service (light lunch to follow) and 7pm Combined bilingual serviceThe Lenten season helps us focus our attention on our need for repentance and to turn toward the redemptive mercy and forgiveness that is ours through Jesus. The sign of ashes speaks of the frailty and uncertainty of human life, marking the penitence of the Christian community. The sign of Cross reminds us of the lengths to which Jesus would go to redeem us and makes us God’s own. The 11am service will have a light lunch to follow.

Midweek Lenten Services at 11am *Midweek Lenten Worship dates: March 19, March 26, April 2, April 9*
Each Wednesday at 11:00 am we will gather for worship and prayer in the Sanctuary. As worship Jesus, the Lamb of God that was slain we focus our attention on our need for repentance and to turn toward the redemptive mercy and forgiveness that is ours through Jesus.

Holy Week Services
Palm Sunday, April 13 – Regular Worship Time Schedule
9am – Traditional | Sanctuary
11am – Contemporary | FLC
11am – Adoración del Domingo de Ramos | Templo

Maundy Thursday, April 17 – 6pm Traditional Worship | Sanctuary
7:30pm Culto Español | Templo

Good Friday, April 18 – 11am Traditional Worship | Sanctuary
6pm Traditional Worship | Sanctuary
7:30pm Culto Español | Templo

Easter Sunday, April 20 – 6:30am SONrise Service | Memorial Garden
9:00am Traditional Festival Worship | Sanctuary
11:00am Contemporary Worship | FLC
11:00am Pascua de Resurrección | Templo

Today’s altar flowers are sponsored by Sonia Tellez in memory of Dorothy “Dottie” Dreves.
If you wish to sponsor Altar Flowers at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in celebration of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one, please fill out a form online or contact our church office.

 Missing a birthday or anniversary and wishing to add to the list? Please email

Staff Contacts:
Rev. Ken Green, Senior Pastor
Rev. Adolfo Borges, Assoc. Pastor
David Ludwig, Jr., Worship & Music
Deaconess Ligia Borges, Outreach
DCE Eric Gerken, Families and Youth
Anne Dobbins, Preschool Director
Jim Essig, Senior Adult Ministry
Jeanette Gabay, Director of Finance
Adriana Alas, Administrative Assist.
Office Contact information: (407)277-3945 |