Week of October 6, 2024

Today: “RENEWall: Renew our Humanity” • Readings: Mark 10:2-16; Hebrews 2:9-18; Genesis 2:18-24 • Someone once said that in these last days, a hallmark of our fallen world would be “man’s inhumanity to man.” Perhaps you can see that. However, we have hope—hope for this life and for all eternity—because Jesus came to bring renewal when as the Son of God he came to take upon himself our humanity.

To view or print Sunday’s 9am Worship bulletin: https://poporlando.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/2024_10_06-Trad-Pentecost-20.pdf

Bible Classes
Adult Sunday Morning Bible Class at 10:00 am • The class is led by Jim Essig. We are studying the book of 1 Corinthians. Classes are in the Music Room during our 10:00 am Education Hour, between 9 am & 11 am worship.
SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR AGE 4 – GRADE 5: Kingdom Quest • Kingdom Quest is a Bible overview curriculum that teaches children the core stories of the Bible and helps them see why they matter today. We help children experience God’s love through Bible stories, crafts, games and more., as we learn to follow Jesus. The children will have a lot of fun and learn important faith lessons at the same time. https://poporlando.breezechms.com/form/57d9c8
Youth Bible Class – 10:00am • This youth bible class will be held at McDonald’s (next to the church) for breakfast and bible study. They will be looking at what the bible says about serving him as a teen and having bible-based discussions. Be sure to have the bible app downloaded on to your phone!
The Mid-week Bible Class for Adults • Wednesday Mornings 9:30am – 10:30am in the Board Room. Our topic is looking at Scriptures for the upcoming Sunday’s theme. Led by Pastor Ken.

Are you looking for meaningful daily devotions that connect with everyday life?
Our Daily Bread. “Helping you connect with God. Every day. Every way.” | https://www.odb.org/
• Lutheran Hour Ministries https://www.lhm.org/dailydevotions/.

Altar Flowers To sponsor Altar Flowers in celebration of a special occasion, in memory of a loved one, or simply out of thanksgiving to God, you can do so at https://poporlando.breezechms.com/form/flowers or by contacting the office.

Youth Laser Tag – Today at 5:00pm in the FLC We are excited to announce that Ton’s Laser Tag will return to host an event on our church campus! The event will kick off promptly at 5:00 PM, so please arrive by 4:45 PM. We will engage in a range of simple group and individual games. The fee is just $10 for two hours of laser tag fun. To play, Tom’s Laser Tag requires each parent to fill out a waiver. Please follow this link to fill out the waiver: do not make any payment through the link. |  https://form.jotform.com/241364941196158

Youth Spirit Night at Broadway Pizzeria – Tuesday, October 8 at 5:00pm Come support our Youth as we prepare for the 2025 LCMS Youth Gathering in New Orleans. Broadway will donate back a percentage of all dine in and carry out sales that mention PoP. It is a great way to get a fantastic meal, spend time with your church family AND support our Youth. They also have Trivia Night from 7p-8p, so you can support our Youth & win gift cards, like some of our PoP members did last month.

First Bibles – Reserve Your Child’s First Bible Today! Bibles will be presented during each worship service on Sunday, October 20. To make sure we have enough bibles please signup online to reserve a bible for your child. PoP’s plan is to make sure every child has access to God’s word in their home. | https://poporlando.breezechms.com/form/a93227

Next Sunday, October 13 is LWML Sunday! Next Sunday has been designated as Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) Sunday at Prince of Peace.  The Lutheran Women in Mission invites the entire Congregation to celebrate together as the Body of Christ under the theme, “Ready to Serve, “Luke 1:38” And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her. Please join us for coffee hour before or between services.

Save the Date: Saturday, October 19 – LWML Greater Orlando Fall Rally at 8am The women of Prince of Peace would like to welcome all ladies from the churches in the Greater Orlando Zone and all guests to the LWML Fall Rally for a day of fellowship, Bible study and song. Registration is $10.00 and Checks can be made out to Greater Orlando Zone LWML. This will take place here at PoP Family Life Center. Please send your reservation of how many will be attending by Friday, October 11th to kathymccartin@gmail.com  or call 407-286-7288 (home).

Staff Anniversary Banquet – Saturday, October 19 at 5:30pm Lets come together as this is a special opportunity to celebrate three special anniversaries! We will have a catered banquet starting at 5:30pm and Dinner beginning at 6pm, along with music, videos, and presentations of gifts! Reservations are necessary; therefore, we kindly ask you to RSVP by completing our online reservation form before the deadline on Sunday, October 13 by scanning the QR Code.

Staff Anniversary Celebration: Sunday, October 20 Celebrations will continue at regularly scheduled Sunday worship on October 20, with guest speakers: The Rev. Dr. Leopoldo A. Sanchez who will preach at the Spanish worship and The Rev. Scott Gress who will preach at the 9 and 11 am english worship services. https://poporlando.breezechms.com/form/cb4854

Celebrating 3 Staff Anniversaries
Rev. Ken Green – 30th Anniversary of Ordination
Rev. Adolfo Borges – 20th year of ministry at Prince of Peace
Mr. Eric Gerken, DCE – 5th year of ministry with us!

Saturday Banquet – October 19
Reception – 5:30 p.m.
Dinner – 6:00 p.m.
Bilingual Program – ends 8:30 p.m.
Music, Videos and Presentation of Gifts
Sunday Worship – October 20
Celebrations will continue at regularly scheduled Sunday worship with
Guest Preachers
The Rev. Dr. Leo Sanchez
The Rev. Scott Gress

We thank God for your continued faithfulness to and prayers for the continuing mission of Prince of Peace/Principe de Paz to be the Heart, Hands, and Feet of Jesus here in Orlando.

Blessing of The Bibles – Sunday, October 20 – All Services We are asking everyone to bring their Bible to church. During the Children’s Message in each service, everyone, children, and adults, will be asked to raise up their Bible to be prayed over. This can be a “normal” Bible, a children’s picture Bible, an E-book, or whatever you use to read God’s Word. If you don’t have your own copy of God’s word and would like one, contact DCE, Eric Gerken.

Piano & Violin Concert – Monday, October 21 at 7pm We invite you to join us for an enriching experience as we host former organist, Ammon Perry, Pianist, playing alongside Burghard Tölke, Violinist, who is coming from Germany. The program will include Liebesfrued & Liebeslied by Fritz Kreisler, Violin Concerto by Siegfried Wagner, & Sonata for Piano and Violin by Cesar Franck.

Trunk or Treat – Volunteers & Donations Needed! – Sunday October 27 at 4pm We are seeking volunteers to help us host a wonderful event for families from our church, Preschool and community. We need 20 or more people to decorate trunks and greet our trunk or treaters, volunteers to help with carnival games, crafts, information tables and candy donations. Please sign up online if you’re interested. For more information contact DCE Eric Gerken.

Volunteer Signup: https://poporlando.breezechms.com/form/bd322e | eric.gerken@poporlando.com

Thanksgiving Basket Outreach – Donations Needed This year we are doing things a little early so we can properly plan and prepare to provide turkeys to families in need.  This year there will be 90 families receiving thanksgiving meals. Please donate online or in person during the week or on Sunday mornings at worship. Please mark your donation as “Thanksgiving Outreach” | https://www.poporlando.com/give/

Nursery Ministry Volunteers Needed! We are looking to provide a supervised Nursery for families and to staff it with several volunteers. We will provide care for and supervision for children during the 9:00 service, the Sunday School hour and during both 11:00 services. Please contact DCE Eric Gerken in the church office to sign up or ask for more information.

Compassion Project – Donations Needed! We are seeking the following items: AA and AAA batteries, men’s boxer shorts, men’s socks (white or black), men’s jeans & shorts (size 30-32), and toothbrushes. All items can be dropped off in the church office, and they will be delivered to the Samaritan Resource Center. Thank you for helping those in need.

Registration is Open for the National Youth Gathering 2025 Please encourage any 8th-12th grade students you know to prayerfully consider this trip. The Gathering has served as a major faith milestone event for many and we want to help any student who wants to learn about God in some fun, creative and powerful to have this opportunity. Registration materials have been sent out, but please contact DCE Eric Gerken if you or your student did not receive them.

Lutherans for Life Regional Conference – Saturday, November 9 at 8am-4pm National life experts reaching others with the Gospel of Life. Enjoy time of fellowship and service together. The $50 registration fee includes lunch. At Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (16173 Marsh Rd Winter Garden). More info at Lutheransforlife.org/conferences

Fruits of Faith
Sunday, September 29
9:00am Traditional: 112 | 11:00am Contemporary: 69 | 11:00am Espanol: 95 | TOTAL: 276
Giving: Thank you for your faithful engagement in our ministry through your gifts and offerings.
September 15 offerings $11,219
September 22 offerings $6,955
September 29 offerings $ 9,922
needed each week: $12,403

Prayers of Comfort: Comfort Nancy Plotnikoff and her family at the death of Nancy’s sister, Olga.
Hospitalized: Mike Ritzel (Judy Finnie’s nephew in NY)
Recovering at Home or Rehab Facility: Ellen Boogher, Sheila Dean, Gail Eaton, Doris Engstrom, Daryl Flynn, Jayson Gerken, Jenny Hudson, Susanne Johnson, Connie Lerchen, Dan Meier (son of Peter Meier), Tausha Miller, Camille Neville, Debbie Noss, Ray Pirino, Norma Poutre, Jeff Powell, Mario Rodriguez, Sheila Roberts, Cindy Sibly, Pete Spudich, James Stanley, Shirley Stockett, Pat Williams
Healing and Strength: Karen Adkins, Dave & Mary Ann Ault, Kurt Bickel, Rebecca Brooks, Delores B, Michael B, Donna C, Danny Conlin, Elizabeth Dawson, Sarah Dierking, Steven Dorsagano, John Elmore, Amanda Fearce, Judy & Jim Finnie, Rev. Dennis Glander, Michael Halstead, Joe Heinz, Jim & Pam Ingersoll, Chris & Kristen Ivanic, Bill Jordan, Jerry Jordan, Merle Kroeplin, Henry Leon, Jim Lord, Larry Martinez, Michael McCarty, Maddie, George Meder, Lewis Mendez, Kay Minick, Mario Muniz, Rick Perre, Raya Pokigo, Miriam Rivera, David Rodgers, Nitza Rohena, Rex Serio, Hannah Steinbronn, Carmen & Juan, Jerry Warnock, Rosalee Wessel, Ted Wessel, Cricket Winters, Leon W, Linda Zamsky
Receiving Treatments: Sarah vonBraun, John Dierking, Joshula Flowers, Brenda Green, Cameron LaPointe, Elvie Lord, Larry Jones, Pastor Brian Roberts, Elena Santana, Jeff S, Tina T, Janet V, Amber Vittone, Debbie W, Brenda Williams, Michelle Zicarelli
Continued Care: Chuck Boogher, Rick Burns, Pat C., Kelly DeFrietas, Al & Linda Dicks, Bob E, Linda House, Linda Jackson, Otto Krumpholc, Mary K.M, Jean LaPointe, Micki & Sal LoBue, Todd O, Betty Schnell, Michael, Noel, & Roger V, Harry Wahl
Family & Friends: Evelyn Brucks (Marlene Browne’s mother), Jameson Doud (young relative of Lu Burchfield), Ralph Holt, Helen Laurie; Christina, Stephanie, Matthew, Michael, Samantha, Jason, Daniel Baudry, Fran Federman, Leonard G, Meghan Miller, Vincent Ward (treatments), Jim Obenour, Carlyn and Sarah (fighting cancer), Haley
Special: Lord Jesus, through your life and death and resurrection you have redeemed us. Renew our humanity so that we would demonstrate—in word & deed, and attitude & action—the boundless love you have for all people. • Continue to be with the many who have been affected by Hurricane Helene. Be with those who grieve, provide for those who have lost homes and possessions, and keep those helping in the recovery safe. • Lord, watch over and keep all our first responders safe. • Be with President Biden, members of Congress, and the Supreme Court, as well as all state and local leaders. Guide our nation, the Candidates, and our people as we approach Election Day.Prayers for those in the military or deployed: We pray for those who serve our nation in the armed services and for those who are deployed, especially those connected with our PoP/PdeP family: Jake Allison, Zachary Carbonell, Kyle Holysz, Matthew Rojas, Meghan Rojas, Amanda S, Greg S, Geoffrey, Anthony Witcher

Missing a birthday or anniversary and wishing to add to the list? Please email staff@poporlando.com

Staff Contacts:
Rev. Ken Green, Senior Pastor ken.green@poporlando.com
Rev. Adolfo Borges, Assoc. Pastor adolfo.borges@poporlando.com
David Ludwig, Jr., Worship & Music david.ludwig@poporlando.com
Deaconess Ligia Borges, Outreach ligia.morales@poporlando.com
DCE Eric Gerken, Families and Youth eric.gerken@poporlando.com
Anne Dobbins, Preschool Director anne.dobbins@poporlando.com
Jim Essig, Senior Adult Ministry jim.essig@poporlando.com
Pam Fuller, Chief of Staff pam.fuller@poporlando.com
Adriana Alas, Administrative Assist. adriana.alas@poporlando.com
Office Contact information: (407)277-3945 | staff@poporlando.com

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