Join us for our First Communion Instruction class that is for children around the 3rd grade or older, usually around ages 8-10, on, Saturday, March 29 at 8am. There will be instruction in both English and Spanish for children wishing to take First Communion. Prior to receiving First Communion, children usually attend classes that teach the basics of the sacrament, including its meaning, the presence of Christ in the elements (bread and wine), and the importance of repentance and faith.
The First Communion is often celebrated during a special church service, in this case, children who attend English services will take their First Communion the next day, Sunday, March 30. While students who attend our Spanish service will receive their First Communion on Sunday, April 6th.
Advance registration is required. Please click this link to register:
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to our DCE Eric Gerken or our Pastor Adolfo Borges.